Membership Types and Fees
Senior membership: $160
Unwaged/retiree/student membership: $120
Junior membership (under 18 or schoolpupil under 19): $80
Country membership (live 30km from the clubrooms): $70
New member special: $40 for 3 months*
Family discount: Each additional immediate family member (in the same household) reduces their full-year subscription by $20
Social membership (only allows attendance on Thursdays): $80 or $20 for 3 months*
NZCF Affiliation (does not include playing rights at the club): $20
*Membership expires after 3 months unless the member subscribes under another category for the remainder of the year and pays the remaining balance of the appropriate subscription.
Membership includes both Wednesday and Thursday nights unless otherwise stated.
To join, please complete the online form or come to the clubrooms on a club night (7pm on Wednesday, any time after 6pm on Thursday).
Payment can be made via online banking to our Westpac account 03 0802 0093915 000 (account name is Canterbury Chess Club Inc - please use your name and 'subscription' as the reference) or in cash (exact change if possible) on a club night.